Monday, September 27, 2021

Pen Pals.

Over the years I have had a number of parliamentary pen pals. Former ministers such as Wyatt Creech (National) and Dover Samuels (Labour). I have met four  Prime Ministers: John Key, Bill English,  Jenny Shipley and our current Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who I have met five times since 2016. The worst MP that I've met was Louisa Wall who told me, in August 2016, that I shouldn't be writing to her because I don't live in her electorate. My favourite current MPs are Jacinda Ardern who has given wonderful leadership throughout the pandemic, Erica Stanford who is a warm, sweet faced individual whom I really enjoyed meeting. I would love to go to Parliament again next year and have a catch up with them. I also like Michael Wood, a cabinet minister who likes black humour and laughs a lot as does Erica Stanford and Chris Hipkins. Chris tries not to burst out laughing though and just winks when I say something funny. I have been writing to Parliament since 1999.

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