Monday, October 17, 2011

IRB are Criminals

The Rugby World Cup has been played in New Zealand over the last 7 weeks. I have enjoyed having the Italians in Nelson and enjoyed meeting them and the Aussies when they came to town. However I was shocked to see that it has put the New Zealand Government 39 Million dollars in debt. That's  daylight robbery if you ask me. The International Rugby Board have taken all the bloody profit and left us all in debt. Shame on the IRB. I believe they are corrupt with the way they operate. New Zealand has very high unemployment and have had some the biggest natural disaters to hit this country in 70 years with the Christchurch earthquakes. I am also disgusted with the media handling of the World Cup because it is Auckland they seem to want to talk about, ignoring other things like the Pike River enquiry and the fact that people in Christchurch are still homeless after the earthquakes. Shame on the media to.

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