Friday, January 29, 2021


On January 21st, I went to the caucus retreat in Nelson. Not all of the caucus were there. Speaker, Trevor Mallard was not there and I think he should have been because he told lies about someone. I think, in a way, Jacinda is not very strong at sacking people and that is her achilles heel. The members that were there were really pleased to see me and were very down to earth like the Prime Minister, Stuart Nash and Marja Lübeck. Marja has agreed to meet me on June 30th at 6 o’clock when I go over to Parliament in Wellington. Some ministers, I think, will be too busy to meet me like the PM and all of the cabinet. I can also confirm that I will be meeting National MP Erica Stanford at 4pm on June 30th for an hour, Julie Ann Genter from the Green Party and Marja Lubeck at 6pm. I have a number of candidates from different sides of the house who I would like to meet. It was really good to meet Marja Lubeck who likes getting my letters and it was exciting meeting some other ministers and getting their business cards.

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