Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ken Ring

Here in New Zealand we have a guy called Ken Ring. He calls himself the Moon Man because he makes phony forecasts about the weather, based on the phases of the moon.He has recently branched out into earthquake prediction. I think the guy is a crook and his recent prediction that a big earthquake is going to happen again in Christchurch is just trying to get publicity and profit from people's fears. Where was Ken Ring when the big one hit Japan? Answer: Nowhere. Did he give New Zealand a warning when the Tsunami was coming? No he didn't. He is a low life with no empathy for the people of Christchurch who have lost homes and family members. I read, online, that, in the 1980s, an American guy was predicting Earthquakes in certain areas. I think it was the Midwest. He was putting dates on them and when the days came all the shops closed up. Everyone left town and the Red Cross were the only people left in the city. There was no earthquake and nothing happened. I have been talking to a lot of people about Ken Ring and most of them think he is scaremongering. I have read about him online every day. I read that he gets it wrong a lot more times than he gets it right. I find it very frustrating that some people believe that he can predict earthquakes when I know no-one can. One person said to me that he got the September 4th earthquake right and the one on 22nd February right. I don't believe he did but with there being so many earthquakes in Christchurch he is bound to get it right sometime. I agree with what,Cabinet Minister, Nick Smith said about Ken Ring. He said that he should be made accountable for his comments. Mr Ring has divided the nation with his behaviour.

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